
William Meredith Morris


Meredith Morris
Henry Sweet
Thomas Darlington
O.H. Fynes-Clinton
Stephen Jones

William Meredith Morris is the author of one of the earliest collections of Welsh dialect vocabulary.

A Glossary of the Demetian Dialect of North Pembrokeshire (With Special Reference to the Gwaun Valley)
Tonypandy, 1910.
Facsimile, Llanerch, 1991.


  William Meredith Morris yw awdur un o'r casgliadau cynharaf o eirfa dafodieithol Gymraeg.

A Glossary of the Demetian Dialect of North Pembrokeshire (With Special Reference to the Gwaun Valley)
Tonypandy, 1910.
Ffacsimile, Llanerch, 1991.


Home Page

For a study of the social background to his work in Cwm Gwaun, see:

Gwen Awbery
"A Glossary of the Demetian Dialect": William Meredith Morris and Cwm Gwaun, Part I
Pembrokeshire: The Journal of the Pembrokeshire Historical Society, 22(2013), 20-31.

"A Glossary of the Demetian Dialect": William Meredith Morris and Cwm Gwaun, Part II
Pembrokeshire: The Journal of the Pembrokeshire Historical Society, in press.


Am astudiaeth o gefndir cymdeithasol ei waith yng Nghwm Gwaun, gweler:

Gwen Awbery
"A Glossary of the Demetian Dialect": William Meredith Morris and Cwm Gwaun, Part I
Sir Benfro: Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Hanesyddol Sir Benfro, 22(2013), 20-31.

"A Glossary of the Demetian Dialect": William Meredith Morris and Cwm Gwaun, Part I
Sir Benfro: Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Hanesyddol Sir Benfro, yn y wasg.



The Glossary was published with support from subscribers.

An account of these subscribers can be found here.
The list of subscribers as given in the Glossary itself can be found here.
Detailed information about the subscribers and an analysis of the makeup of the subscriber list can be found here



Cyhoeddwyd y Glossary gyda chymorth tanysgrifwyr.

Ceir disgrifiad o'r tanysgrifwyr hyn yn:

Gwen Awbery
Pwy oedd y tanysgrifwyr i gyfrol William Meredith Morris "A Glossary of the Demetian Dialect (1910)"? Y Casglwr 108(2013), 4-5.

Ceir rhestr o'r tanysgrifwyr, fel y rhoddir hi yn y Glossary yma.
Ceir gwybodaeth bellach am y tanysgrifwyr a dadansoddiad o'r rhestr yma.

last updated 07.07.13